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The Monkey in the Room


Louize Small

21st Century Wire

The global competition between potential pandemics is certainly heating up.

The pathogen Olympics continue apace as monkeypox leaps continents to infect ‘mainly gay men’, according to reports. 

Are these false positives, too?

Not surprisingly, cases have been ‘confirmed’ by PCR test, which is as scientifically meaningless as the dubious covid case rate. 

Origins of Monkeypox

Monkeypox, recently rebranded as hMPXV, was first discovered in 1958 when outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in colonies of monkeys kept for research.

Interestingly, the very first human case was recorded in 1970, during a widespread smallpox vaccination campaign in the Democratic Republic of Congo two years after the country officially declared its last case of smallpox and just months before the United States Public Health Service recommended cessation of smallpox immunisation programs.

Smallpox may have ‘disappeared’ in 1980, but according to virologists, clinically identical monkeypox has been circulating ever since, making its official U.K. debut in 2018.

The WHO says that reducing contacts with and reliance on wildlife will enhance disease prevention efforts for zoonoses that affect wildlife, including monkeypox.’

SEE ALSO: ONE HEALTH – Globalist Path to a One World Order

Will we see access to and enjoyment of animals restricted? Will huge chunks of countryside be closed, animals killed, and pets discouraged as a result of this latest public health advice?

And what exactly is ‘reducing reliance on wildlife’?

As part of its emergency response to fight this alleged monkeypox outbreak, the U.K. government is offering smallpox vaccines to ‘higher risk’ contacts (who also happen to be the most vulnerable to adverse reactions), and has ordered 20,000 doses of Imvanex.

In this report by CBS News, the smallpox vaccination sounds very much like a toxic deadly weapon, while other information (from the FDA) states that Imvanex (aka Jynneox) has still not been assessed for mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, or male reproductive impairment.

This raises an obvious question of safety: could off-label use of a potentially dangerous vaccine inadvertently turn an unpleasant (but mostly harmless) skin rash into something far worse?

According to this UK government document, the smallpox vaccine (now commonly referred to as ‘the monkeypox vaccine’) was ‘used in the UK in response to previous incidents’.

There are numerous reports of ‘generalised vaccinia’ and eczema vaccinatum after smallpox vaccinationthe symptoms of which look and sound very much like smallpox.

Rather worryingly, cases of smallpox rose after vaccination. If that is the case, then health and medical officials would be in their rights to ask: do we really want to poke a sleeping beast?

Beyond this, a further question could also be asked – about whether or not these vaccine recipients are in fact experiencing an adverse reaction.

What if the pox is vaccine-induced?

There are verified reports of horrific skin conditions (see the following three scientific papers, 1, 2, 3), as well as reports of shingles – all following covid-19 vaccination (along with myriad other complications), yet the jabs roll on…

Cases of vaccine-induced illnesses are not new. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura appeared after the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine; encephalitis and myopericarditis after smallpox vaccination; and Guillain-Barré syndrome after the swine flu vaccine.

Back in 1976, the notorious swine flu outbreak was said to have originated in Fort Dix military base in New Jersey. Subsequently, a vaccination campaign there resulted in an outbreak of Guillain Barré Syndrome.

Similarly, many historians have attributed the outbreak of the Spanish Flu to the US military facility Camp Funston in Fort Riley, Kansas, following a meningitis vaccine trial conducted by a man named Frederick Gates.

The story of vaccines and the military go hand in hand. Soldiers have been subject to vaccination requirements for a very long time (beginning with a crude smallpox inoculation), but the first ‘modern’ vaccines were deployed during WWI, and it seems that the damage inflicted was immediate and lasting.

More recently, a 2008 study linked the US military’s mass vaccination practices to the epidemic of Gulf War Syndrome. Their findings were compelling, and may provide a more plausible explanation for this tragic disease suffered by so many US service personnel. 

Other cases point to similar conclusions. Military vaccinations caused 50,000 cases of hepatitis B during WWII, and Vietnam War veterans claimed they contracted hepatitis C through compulsory shots.

In January this year, the Rio Times published a study linking covid mRNA jabs to hepatitis, and in April acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology appeared in children in Scotland. That same month the U.K. government acknowledged an increase in hepatitis in children, although few have drawn any correlation between this unexplained outbreak and vaccination programmes. 

The Return of Polio?

We thought we’d eradicated polio until it started showing up again as philanthropic health campaigns began in ‘developing’ countries.

The World Health Organization admitted that a vaccination program is likely to have caused a polio (or the identical symptoms of polio) outbreak in Chad, and there have been many more incidents of similar vaccine-related disease and death in the past few decades.

Other outbreaks of “vaccine derived polio” have also occurred in India, Africa, and Asia. (1, 2, 3, 4)

Based on these data sets, many are now concluding that there are more children being paralysed by vaccines than by viruses.

In Nepal, public health officials introduced the typhoid vaccine to their childhood immunisation schedule in April this year which then resulted in children who suffered neurological damage and muscle weakness. Authorities called it Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS).

GBS is an inflammation of the nerves that usually starts with respiratory or gastrointestinal infection. It can lead to numbness, weakness, and pain, usually in the feet, hands, and limbs. In addition to weak limbs, respiratory muscles can weaken to the point that the person needs help to breathe.

Do these symptoms sound similar to anything else? Certainly, there seems to be an overlap with symptoms associated with polio, as well as other conditions too.

GBS was first known as Landry’s Ascending Paralysis, which was considered a type of polio by physicians in the early 1900s. It became known by its current name in 1916 after Guillain, Barré, and Strohl conducted extensive studies on soldiers with peripheral neuropathy in WWI.

Studies link GBS with vaccines for rabies, hepatitis A and B, and meningococcus. Emerging evidence indicates that Guillain Barré syndrome could also be occurring following the COVID-19 vaccination (see studies 1, 2, 3, 4)

Are vaccine injuries being disguised with fancy new names?

From 1955 to 1963, an estimated 10-30% of polio vaccines administered in the U.S. were said to be contaminated with simian virus 40 (SV40). The virus is said to have come from monkey kidney cell cultures used to make polio vaccines, and was later found to cause cancer.

Approximately 90% of children and 60% of adults in the USA were inoculated for polio with solutions reportedly containing carcinogenic agents.

Additionally, the SV40 virus is associated with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, mesothelioma, and brain, bone, and other cancers in humans.

Cancer was unheard of in children before mass immunisation, but since the 1960s, stories of children fighting cancer have become commonplace, and often featured with increasing frequency in the press.

Formaldehyde, another known carcinogen, was used in polio (and other) vaccines – supposedly to weaken the virus, but it is a dangerous genotoxin (with links to leukaemia) that has the potential to alter DNA.

Today childhood cancer is now the leading cause of disease-related death among children in high-income countries. Why and how this is happening still remains an unexplained mystery…

Dr. Alexis Carrel of the Rockefeller Institute stated the following in Scientific Monthly in 1925:

“Although the adult individual today has much less chance of dying from smallpox, cholera, or typhoid, than he had 50 years ago, he surely has more prospect of being tortured by some form of cancer, afflicted with slow diseases of the kidneys, of the circulatory apparatus or the endocrine glands, and of going insane . . . Modern medicine protects him against infections which kill rapidly, but leaves him exposed to the slower and more cruel diseases.”

People tend to trust vaccines and believe that they are ‘safe and effective’. This widely held belief is mostly because of the apparent eradication of smallpox, polio, and other childhood illnesses, but records show that those diseases were in fact already declining before the introduction of mass immunisation programs.

To be continued…

SEE MORE VACCINE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Vaccine Files


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