From the very beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of the Great Barrington group has been on the front lines of analyzing, studying, and fighting the pandemic. In hindsight, some things he got right, some things he got wrong, but nothing nearly as wrong as the official government narrative – which has since taken the economy and the country over a cliff.
Can we will learn to live with COVID, rather than pursuing a ‘Zero Covid’ policy, and can governments really prepare for “the next pandemic” which the globalist pundits and Bill Gates insist is coming right around the corner?
Much of this Uncommon Knowledge interview with Dr. Bhattacharya is oriented towards mainstream orthodox epidemiology, virology and vaccinology, but it’s still interesting to listen to Bhattacharya’s reflects as he describes how the alleged ‘pandemic’ started, his opinion on how it spread – and his welcome critique on the efficacy of lockdowns. However, Bhattacharya and the Great Barrington group are still very much pro-Big Pharma and will not criticize the rushed development and distribution of the experimental vaccines, and they are happy to promote the alleged rise of the Delta variant which Bhattacharya believes is on the loose. While some of this establishment-approved science is still very questionable (note how Bhattacharya does not go near the fraudulent PCR Test which the entire pandemic is built upon), it’s fascinating to see how the US government, Big Tech and mainstream media joined forces to silence anyone who is NOT hyping fear and hysteria. Watch:
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