Pioneered by the UK government’s creative new bio surveillance regime and its marketing masterstroke of rebranding the “Indian Variant” to a more high-tech and ubiquitous sounding “Delta Variant,” a new concerted international campaign of fear has managed to reboot the ‘global pandemic’ narrative. It seems that the Delta brand has exceeded all expectations, with a number of major cities and countries deciding to lockdown their populations once again – in pursuit of a new absolutist standard for pandemic prevention, a policy known as “Zero COVID.”
Governments and their pharmaceutical cartel partners are now in a race to pump-up the level of public uncertainty and fear; as summertime peaks in the northern hemisphere, globalist stakeholders are gravely concerned that allowing populations to experience too much freedom of travel and relaxation may undermine their plans to re-impose full lockdowns in the coming fall and winter season.
In partnership with numerous ‘public health’ departments led by the G7 and Five Eyes countries, the corporate media are working diligently around-the-clock to elevate fears that a more contagious variant is somehow hampering global efforts to ‘contain’ the pandemic – despite the fact there is no up-tick in COVID hospitalisations and deaths.
Through a combination of high cycle count PCR testing and epidemiological computer modelling, public health officials have been able to claim that there’s a new “third wave” (or fourth wave – officials cannot seem to agree on which wave they are riding) of the COVID-19 disease sweeping the planet.
This latest rockstar of alleged viral mutations, Delta and “Delta Plus,” is said to be ‘more contagious’ and ‘possibly more deadly’ version of the coronavirus spreading rapidly – which the media is now claiming has somehow “forced a growing number of countries” to reimpose lockdowns, and other public health restrictions.
Media operative Erin Cunningham from the Washington Post reports…
The new curbs on travel and daily life stretched from Australia and Bangladesh to South Africa and Germany, where authorities over the weekend set new limits on travelers from “virus-variant zones” such as Portugal and Russia.
South Africa on Sunday extended a nightly curfew and introduced a ban on gatherings, alcohol sales, indoor dining and some domestic travel for 14 days to halt a worrying surge in cases driven by the delta variant, President Cyril Ramaphosa said.
In Bangladesh, the government pointed to a “dangerous and alarming” rise in delta-related infections and halted all public transportation starting Monday, prompting thousands of migrant workers to flee the capital, Dhaka, before the restrictions took hold.
However, this latest PCR-driven wave of alleged variant “infections” and “cases” is not corresponding with any noticeable rise in hospitalisations or deaths ‘with COVID’ or ‘from COVID’.
But interestingly, the latest wave of “cases” does correlate with the mass roll-out of the unlicensed experimental COVID vaccine.
GRAPH: One of the main propaganda techniques for inflating the public perception of a “historic global pandemic” is the unprecedented practice of keeping a running tally since winter of 2020 of all recorded alleged “cases” (PCR positive tests) and “deaths with COVID” – rather than reset the total number each winter season as per the normal practice of keeping such records. This fact alone is indisputable proof that there is a coordinated multi-national propaganda effort underway to generate more panic and use the hysteria to implement more rules and restrictions, effectively suspending democracy and human rights, all under the guise of ‘protecting people.’ (Data Source: Washington Post)
The Washington Post goes on to list other governments participating in the inter-governmental fear campaign and vaccine sales effort:
Clearly, this latest ‘variant’ promotional campaign is part of the wider effort by leading G7 Big Pharma ‘stakeholder’ governments to boost vaccine up-take levels, as the Post clearly illustrates here:
Other governments joining in the program include Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia, and others:
Thai authorities declared a month-long limited lockdown in the capital, Bangkok, and neighboring provinces, amid a spike in new cases attributed to the delta variant. And Malaysia extended a nationwide shutdown that was scheduled to be relaxed Monday. In Taiwan, which reported its first delta case on Saturday, the local Centers for Disease Control announced new restrictions for people arriving from seven “high-risk countries”: Bangladesh, Britain, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Israel and Peru.
In addition, Hong Kong announced it will be banning all passenger flights from the UK this week due to an alleged “growing number of new coronavirus cases” and “widespread delta variant virus strain there,” according to an official statement.
To give the official seal of approval for this last coordinated global panic, the World Health Organization (WHO) dramatically announced that the alleged Delta Variant of coronavirus has been ‘detected in some 92 countries,’ and counting.
Again, this latest ‘case-demic‘ is not netting any rise in actual hospitalisations or deaths from COVID.
Listen to independent researcher Ivor Cummins explain the simple deception employed by Government science ‘experts’ to manufacturer the mercurial Delta Variant ‘crisis’ in the UK and Ireland:
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